Elections for the next (best?) year of SALTYPAA are September 21st at 7:45pm at the church on Foothill Blvd and 1700 South.
All posts by admin
June 2016 Minutes
Open at 7:43 Co-Host UCYPAA – BBQ at a lake Campout – July 16th Mirror Lake Fish Lake Moon Lake Jordanelle Rockpoint Bear Lake Recreation.gov Subcommittee next Wednesday at 7:30. Close at 8:07
May 2016 Minutes
Open at 7:35 In Attendance: Maggie, Gibson, Jonathan, Brian, Kelby, Taylor Jonathan: Phone List and Email List needs to be made. Hotel and Carpool List for Swacypaa. Taylor: No thought in camping. Need more time to cohost UCYPAA event. Hot Tub Party! Jonathan will print out email lists and such Kelby and Taylor will go to Clearfield…
The South Western Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous will be hosted in Reno, Nevada. June 2nd-5th 2016! Register here: http://2016.swacypaa.org/ If you have never been to a YPAA conference before go check it out!
April 2016 Minutes
Started at 7:30 Old Business: Jonathan: I have stepped down from events chair Kelby: I am stepping in as events chair, I have 4 years of experience in ypaa events in Huston Gibson: Lets vote, all ion favor: PASSED Jonathan: Lack of outreach for events Forrest: Outreach chair needed Shit is being discussed…
January 2016 Minutes
Meeting Starts: 6:04 Old Business: None New Business: Johnathan: Ony event we have coming up is Valentines day and Study Hall is now a Weekly thing, I am working on a flyer Gibson: What is our progress on the future event? Jonathan: We don’t have any yet Gibson: Lets fundourshit Jonathan: I have some money…
December 2015 Minutes
Meeting Starts: 6:16 pm Old Business: None New Business: Gibson. Fundarshit to forrest Jonathan: Swacypaa is June 2-5th Forrest: final sum for FTR, I am in favor for the affirmation total of 65, unless discussed otherwise. Currently we have (checks that i ordered factored in) 396.98 in bank. already to sarah 46.85. Jonathan: debit car…
November 2015 Minutes
Meeting opens at 6:13 PM Attendance: Forrest, Gibson, Jonathan, Maggie, Janae October Minutes Approved Reports: Forrest: I have an estimated 661.94 brought in from party. $49 held for future events. $612 in bank, $97.24 from Square Forrest: The event happened Gibson: Sarah wont be here, we need to vote on how much to give to…
October 2015 Minutes
Meeting opens at 6:00 PM Attendance: Forrest, Gibson, Jonathan, Maggie, Heather, Mike, Grady, Tom September Minutes Approved Reports: Gibson: We have a location to have the halloween dance, we need to figure out a time Jonathan: 8-12 (passed) Jonathan: Speaker meeting at 8, then the dance Maggie: Jack E, Dan M, Adam B. suggested for…
September 2015 Minutes
Meeting opens at 6:10 PM Attendance: Forrest, Gibson, Brian, Jonathan, Maggie, Grady, Tom August Minutes Approved Reports: Brain: Outreach is gud Jonathan: First big event is Halloween Dance; not much to report. Need a place; cheap or free. Same for DJ equipment/speakers. Wants to do monthly event called Studyhaal, a place to do service work.…