Old business update
Swackypaa will have bylaws done by march first
Last meetings thing is still tabled
Liz says- we do elections again we would have to disban saltypaa and would have to host the conference as swackypaa
Clarification- not have people having to many duties
Could be the place swackypaa started that would be “dope” and “amazing”
Motion to approve minutes. Motion passed.
Role Call
New business
Open positions
Jon with a starter prayer serenity prayer and moment of silence
Aaron talked to libypaa asked if we wanted to co-host an event
There would be places for us to stay
Motion to co-host. Passed
Hot bodies
Jon- doesnt say anything in bylaws about biding for conferences
Mistake- it will get fixed
Wade- event possibly in february plan casino night for 4th weekend in march. motion passed
Location stuff, Speaker discussion
Gibson, website guy Making acounts so we can log in as admins
No name for emails just chair position at saltypaa
Motion to make minutes public- Passed. No facebook
Change facebook to more events outreach. monitor whos putting stuff thats not using the page correctly- no opinions on whats going on in the group.
3rd legacy will work with gibson for moderation
Possible monthly small events- easy to put together cheap people come hang out with saltypaa
Dinner theather aa play done by saltypaa?
Planning for monthly event things
Monthly budget
Programs jon travel cost in his budget and hospitality
Treasurer collects $17. Bankin.
Approves budgets A-hole
Kris went to district 2 meeting
Sarah went to bank sarah on bank account will get paperwork for last years
Amy put together first unity event super bowl party very fun
Wacypaa got 15000 stolen help them re-get that money
Amy once a month unity events
Motion to beyonce-done
H and I panel let Jessica know
Motion to close 7 prayer