Minutes 5/5/13

Open with a moment of silence

Serenity Prayer

Minutes from last meeting approved

New Member- TJ


May Event Discussion-  Ice rinks were expensive, about $160/hour.  Cheaper ice rinks would not allow broomball due to liability issues.  Kalon suggested we rethink broomball.  Jessica may have a connection to a cheaper rink. Cosmic curling an option.  She will get more information.  Slip & slide kickball suggested.

Treasurer report-

March balance: $1099.13

Spent $528.72 on Monte Carlo ($150 deposit, some of which will be refunded)

MC brought in ~$830

Overdraft fee- $24, Sarah will check and see if this can be waived

$20 to Dustin for propane

April Fundarshit- $30

Current balance: $1302.37

Discussion re: how & where to donate funds, how much to Central Office.  Wade suggests we donate to World Service, their donations are down.  50/30/10/10 is suggested; sustained by group.  From now on we will pay Central Office  $ 0.02/page for copies.

New Business

Unity Event discussion-  Wade suggests scary movie night at cabin past Promontory Point.  Reminder that this activity is for SaLTYPAA members only.

May Event Discussion Continued- Dustin proposed indoor event, afternoon of May 25th, Sober Olympics?  We can use James’ place of employment, or go outside.  Scavenger hunt suggested.  This is Memorial Day weekend, multiple people had conflicts.   Group decided on dodgeball, Sunday, May 26th at 3pm.  Prizes for winning team.

UCYPAA Event Discussion- June 7-9.  Rooms are expensive; campground reserved for event.  Multiple cars going down, contact Jonathan for coordination of rides.   Not many activities planned at this point, suggestion that we bring or organize activities.  Sarah is speaking Saturday, John is speaking Sunday.

Road Trip Unity/Outreach Event-  Aaron has checked into meetings in Park City, Logan, Ogden, Brigham City, etc.  Discussion re: will this be an overnight event?  Will we depart Friday or Saturday?  Aaron will continue working on a map/schedule.  Trip will probably be Saturday to Sunday.

SaLTYPAA needs PO Box.  This is the secretary’s responsibility.

Nadia is nominated as secretary and is sustained.  PO Box will be secured.


Membership/Offices Update-

Jessie is stepping down from decorations; Kyler from prayer chair.  Unsure of Peyton’s status.

Vacant positions- Refreshments, Prayer, Memorabilia, Clean-up, Tickets & Raffles, as well as most co-chair positions being open

Candace is now main Decorations chair

Sarah will cover Refreshments temporarily


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