Opened with introductions and serenity prayer.
Possible events in the future such as campouts ect. New ideas welcome!
St. George YPAA bid on an event in the area. Possibility to co-host events with their committee! Outreach (Matt) will communicate with them.
Read last meeting minutes
Total amount in checking: $1,536.03
Prudent: $600
Petty: $102
Checking: $888.28
Shelly will become signer on account, also working on a current venmo
Rent is current.
Events: not present
3rd legacy:
Once a month, meet early to go through traditions
Group inventory
Halloween party?
Old business:
New meeting time
Weeknights don’t seem to work, Sundays at noon may be best.
Aria makes a motion to keep meetings Sunday at noon, Shelly seconds. Motion passed.
Meeting Frequency
Motion made by Aria, second by James.
Motion passed.
Clarified rules of order for our committee- (motions, discussions, ect.)
New business:
Halloween event
Aria: make sure it doesn’t conflict with another 12 step fellowships event. Trunk or treat, karaoke.
Kole: Haunted house
Trevin: CA has club the 30th
Matt: hold event Friday before.
Sean: can we combine 12 step fellowships (no). Group rates for haunted houses.
Central office newsletter: use it as a tool to give general info about where to find SALTYPAA events, including our Halloween event.
Table discussion for next meeting.
Not private FB page. Make current page private? Members can invite other members.
Clara made motion to take current page and make it private. James second.
Motion passed.
Filling open positions:
Jordan stands.
Chris stands.
Jordan is elected
James stands.
James is elected
Rory stands.
Rory is elected.
Events co-chair:
Chris stands.
Chris is elected.
Secretary co-chair:
Emily stands.
Emily is elected.
Treasurer co-chair:
Next meeting will be held October 3rd at 12pm.
Meeting adjouned